Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mark's Vancouver living to survive

"Let's start the struggle for existence in Vancouver." When I arrived at Vancouver Airport, I said like that. I was concerned about my future what I can't expect anything. Also, I don't have anybody to rely on when I'll face some problems. Is that perfectly nature what stranger in Vancouver feels nervous about that, even I'm adult? It is exceptionally cold this Vancouver's winter. Especially, someone who was feeling lonely got awful chilly. I hope that these tough experiences would be a great help to succeed in Vancouver. I've been accurately living for 4months in here. I've been hardly trying to get used to this circumstance. But I know that it is necessary to sacrifice my comfortable life in Korea in order to get what I really want.


  1. I had the same felling with you two weeks after i arrived here, I enjoyed Vancouver so much in the first week, and I thought it was my vacation at first. Finally, I think you already get used to living here, right. you did a good job to survive in Vancouver. I hope you will be successful in your future.

  2. What a profound statement! Yes, sometimes have to try something uncomfortable, either in terms of cold weather or an unfamiliar culture, in order to achieve something great.

  3. first, I am glad to see you because you are the first man who are from my country except my party. Nice to meet you and I wish you can catch what you want in Vancouver!

  4. Hi,buddy!You are the first friend of mine in vancouver.We were studying in 200,300 and 400 level in BCIT's ISEP together.Also you were the first foreign friend of mine,I am so glad to know you,and we will be the best friend of each other.

  5. I could understand your feeling. The picture is good choice. The feeling like cold season.
